732 Leona St., Elyria, OH 44035


General Questions

Where are you located?

Ohio Therapy Centers has 5 convenient locations in Northeast Ohio: Eastside Cleveland (Shaker Square), Westside Cleveland (Brooklyn), Elyria, Akron, and Canton

How soon can I get an appointment?

Most of the time we can get you in the same day to see our doctors, just give us a call at 1-833-CLE 2020 and our friendly operator will be more than happy to get you scheduled at the location that is closest for you.

What should I bring to my first appointment?

Please make sure you have your ID with you as well as your current insurance or payment method. 

What insurances do you accept?

Ohio Therapy Centers accepts most major medical insurances. For specific questions, please contact the office closest to you for details.

Do you have payment plans?

If you have no health insurance or have insurance which doesn’t offer care for the services we offer, we have affordable payment plans for you and your family. Call us at 1-833-CLE 2020 or ask about payment plans when you come in for your free initial consultation.


Medical Questions

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is the science and art of giving a thorough and detailed examination of the body and joints, locating misalignments and interferences to the nervous system, and removing them, so the body can function optimally and health be restored. This may take a series of treatments to stabilize the condition.

Chiropractors have the education and technology to treat many problems, not just back and neck pain. Chiropractors also promote exercising, stretching the muscles, and eating a healthy diet. Make your appointment today to come in and Get Adjusted! 

What is Orthopedics?

Orthopedics is a medical specialty focused on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions, disorders, and injuries of the muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. A doctor who specializes in this medical specialty is called an orthopedist. Dr. Jane Hoashi, MD is an Orthopedic Specialist on staff at Xcell Medical Group in Elyria.

Do you see children as patients?

Yes, we do! Injuries happen to all ages, we welcome you to come in with your children.

Chiropractic is also great for children! From issues with ear infections to ADHD, chiropractic can help. To find out more, schedule a free consultation and talk to our Chiropractic Physicians about how chiropractic can help children of all ages.

I have bone on bone knee pain, can you help?

In most cases, yes, we can help. We offer a wide variety of therapies and treatments; each person is different so we encourage you to come in for a free no-obligation consultation to see how we can specifically help you with your knee issues.

Can you help with headaches / migraines?

Yes, Ohio Therapy Centers has helped several patients with chronic and debilitating headaches and migraines. If you’re interested in finding out how we can help you, please schedule an appointment today!


Regenerative Therapy Questions

Do you have regenerative therapy treatments?

Regenerative Therapy treatments are part of the full suite of Regenerative Medicine treatment options we offer.

To find out more, please schedule a free initial consultation with our doctors who will answer your questions and see what treatment options will work best for you.

What are mesenchymal stem cells?

Mesenchymal stem cells are undifferentiated cells in our bodies that have the capacity to change into any healthy cell in our body. Meaning they can change into skin, bone, heart, and muscle cells to name a few. These cells are located throughout our body in almost every organ and tissue such as bone marrow, fat, teeth, muscles, etc.

To see our Regenerative Therapy options, please click here.

Is Regenerative Therapy covered by insurance?

Currently, regenerative medicine therapies are not covered by traditional insurance.

Here at Ohio Therapy Centers, we have made this new treatment option affordable with our pricing model. We also accept credit card payments and want to help everyone who wants this remarkable therapy with the option of “layaway” style payments. CareCredit also has credit card-style payments and often offers special promotions. 

Can regenerative therapy help to regrow cartilage?

Regenerative Therapy biologics have a reliable potential to differentiate into cartilage, bone, fat, or soft tissue. They also display the ability to gather in areas of inflammation and degeneration and to modify immune system activity that can favorably influence the surrounding cartilage in areas of damage.

To find out how our Regenerative Therapy treatments could help you specifically, please request a free Regenerative Therapy consult today.



Do you still have questions? Give us a call at 1-833-CLE 2020 or fill out the form below and one of our caring assistants will get in touch with you shortly!


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